10 Tips for creating the perfect picnic
24 September 2021
- Think about a theme, then you can think about what sort of items you can bring to make it extra special.
- Think about your menu, is it going to be all Mexican, a cup cake theme, romantic or morning high tea etc
- Then you can think of what items you have or maybe go out a purchase to create the theme
- Think about creating different heights with say a cool little stool or table (low laying is best for picnics) to display
- How do you want to serve everything? in the dish is was cooked / baked in (think about cool baking trays, casserole pots, wooden chopping board, cheese board, graving platter or pottery / platter you got on holidays in France :)
- Estimate how much food you are going to eat / portions, save on any waste and bringing food back home
- Think of some cool games to play (Bring a board game, scavenger hunt, hide and seek or three legged race)
- Storing, Cooling & Heating,
- Hamper basket, cardboard box, esky, wooden box
- I use the cold packs you can freeze the night before and saves any ice melting everywhere
- i use Gasmate portable BBQ https://www.bcf.com.au/p/gasmate-travelmate-deluxe-ii-butane-stove/600617.html
- Want to make it extra special / romantic, bring candles, cushions, blankets, wine bucket, luxury items, cheese board, grazing platter and watch the sun go down
- Clean up, What extra to bring
- Plastic bags to throw away any rubbish, tea towels, paper towel,
- Sunscreen, mozzy / fly spray, hats, serving wear, knives, cutlery. Have fun
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